My Tiny Tiger

She is seven.  I am often stunned by her maturity and her ability to take responsibility for what is important to her.  I work with the under-5 crowd all day.  Sometimes she just seems so grown up.  Sassy.  Perceptive.  Funny.  Impossible to contain.

Last Saturday, she was my little, little girl again at a karate tournament. Continue reading


In the last month I have been so thoroughly embracing spring and the outdoors that I haven’t had time to sit down and gush about it.

In April we started a wall because it was hard to see that spring was on its way.  I needed a concrete and inspiring reminder when the slushy snow was falling in gobs from the grey sky.

But now…IT IS HERE! Continue reading

Music in the Den

I love music: listening to it, playing it, dancing to it, singing it.  I am doing my  best to be sure that the children in my care will be inspired to groove when the music starts and wail along in grand style until it stops.

“Music” conjures up a million different sounds.   Continue reading

The New Year

I love fall.  The crisp mornings this week have drawn me into knitted sweaters and afternoon cups of tea.  Morning sunrises are late and made more glorious by the low angle of the sun and the yellow leaves sprinkled on the street.

The loose, random adventures of summer have their place, but I’m energized by the start of the new year, the laying down of the new routine.  There is some freedom in the kids being gone for a portion of the day.  I usually get restless and decide this is the time for me to make some changes… get a job… get in shape… start a blog.  This September, even though my energy is slow coming after a difficult August, I’ve decided to do all three.

Dayhome kids are starting this week, but I won’t be running full throttle until November 1st.  I’m grateful for the opportunity to incorporate each child into the routine with plenty of time and attention.  A slow pace will be good for all of us to start.  My kids and I are going to have to find ways to make this work, especially before and after school.

Three months essentially off the exercise wagon means I have lost strength and resilience.  I lost my chin-ups (though I only had two, they were precious to me…) and I’m back to slugging through sore muscles and lower cardio capacity.  The good news is that strength is returning far faster than it grew in my initial run at Crossfit one year ago.  I haven’t lost everything, evidently.

And, the blog is up and running.   I’m going to try and embrace the discipline of writing in order to keep that dream alive… even if it is only my own ramblings.  Welcome!  Feel free to follow along…